My Official Statement: "Yaya Meal" Comment Feud on Balesin Island Club's Facebook Page

I must say this issue has gone so far. Many speculated on discrimination and somehow accuse labels to people. Even my opinionated comment has been bashed by few but it's okay to me as long as I had utilized my freedom of expression. Maybe next time around, we better see if this issue truly matters to majority of people or even evaluate whether it has relevance on the current happenings in our society. I don't say its a waste of time but leading more peculiar comments and accusations might sometimes became unreasonable. It even leads to improper judgement and prejudice words which I found unnecessary to imply. We face a lot of problem today not to mention it categorically. Let's be responsible in how we value issues of today and even on how we react on it.

Today, I'm posting this article as an end up statement on what just happened recently on the comment feud I had with some concerned people on the Balesin Island Club Facebook page which resulted to many reactions and further insights. It's my point of view which I posted and I believe it deserves a genuine Respect. We all have great minds and reasonable sides on the angle of this story but let's just not forget the fact that we should responsibly react and constructively criticize. I've been appreciative to the bashes I've read cause this made me a better social media user by being more sensitive and efficient in what I am expressing. No hard feelings at all so no worries to that. I've been matured enough to understand how you fight and impose your own ideas. And this spiced up the issue on a latter side.

Let's just say just move on with our own endeavor and wish the best in all involved parties. There are appropriate method and right people that will handle these matters anyway if that's the best thing to do.

Godspeed, Everyone! Thank you for reading this post.

J.E. Mara 
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