Worth the Risk, Worth the Jump: Choosing the Best Career Path

Nowadays, it's been a great challenge to any professional at any age whether to consider new job offers throughout the global competition of employment. This has been commonly engaged by those who still seeks for greener pasture, career growth, personal fulfillment, etc.
At some point in time most working professionals will be faced with a new career opportunity outside of their current employer’s offerings.  Most of the folks I know have some sort of fantasy involving a job opening that pays a higher salary, contains added career growth potential, and/or generally sets them in a direction that suits their future ambitions.  

But when that ideal job opportunity moves from the fantasy land of their dreams and into the landscape before them, how will they react?  How would you react?

This article inspired me to write up my notion on how to deal things slowly and concisely on choosing a new career path.  It's not that I'm bored and currently in the state of being professionally confused but I would just like to express how I feel if this things tends to happen.

I am now 24 years old and it's been 4 years of my working experiences into different industries. I am currently working on for my dreams and goals which I've set to evaluate when I reach my silver year at 25 this October 2015. Options has been considered throughout my journey and I am now in the state of pursuing something good aligned with my career footsteps. 

Ideals on Job Opportunity has been a common issue to me. I've been enticed to work for employers and apply for certain position they believe I am fit enough to fill in. Considering all I've been, I wanted to keenly study and ask for God's guidance to help me out into these decision-making. 

Instead, I just want to share my thoughts about these occurrences.

When this door of possibility opens, the initial reaction of the working professional is usually extremely positive. Even I, myself would consider this factual.  They are Gung-ho about the idea of advancement and the excitement of something new, but once the opportunity translates itself into an official offer letter, the frame of mind adjusts 180 degrees.  Turns out to be a tough challenge and it allows you to think further.

Apprehension of change takes over the consciousness and fear sets in, Right?  Hesitant thoughts begin to traverse over the mind saying:  “Maybe this bump in salary or career direction isn’t worth the jump right now.” or it would be “Maybe I should hold off for a little while and see where my current position takes me.”. This is just the common questions  to ask, I believe.

Yeah, maybe they should, and maybe they shouldn’t.  Nothing is certain, and the fear of change is completely natural.  However, surrendering to this fear and hesitation without an accurate evaluation of the options can lead to unfortunate personal growth stagnation. Meaning, if you weren't ready to accept the challenge or even the  sense of considering a new and challenging responsibility, you wouldn't be achieving the most appropriate actions. That's why this should be taken seriously.

The bottom line is that we all must evaluate our options realistically and be ready to face change if necessary.  We must be willing to adjust in the event that we are dealt a straight flush.  Sure, the house might have the royal flush, so you’ll never be absolutely 100% certain where your current position will take you.  

But if you perform a constructive assessment of your options weighted against a timeline of the next five years and your gut feeling tells you that the bump is worth the jump, your instinct is almost certainly correct.  Make the leap and never look back.
I am currently in a state of extreme hesitation concerning a career opportunity that I truly believe I should take.  Either way, I just hope I'm gonna make a decision that I won’t regret down the line.

In God's given gift and right guidance, I strongly agree he would turn this into a brighter step.

-- J.E. Mara --

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